Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

1. Dari ramalan cuaca kota-kota besar di dunia tercatat suhu tertinggi dan terendah adalah sebagai berikut :
Moskow : terendah -5°C dan tertinggi 18°C;
Mexico : terendah 17°C dan tertinggi 34°C;
Paris : terendah -3°C dan tertinggi 17°C;
Tokyo : terendah -2°C dan tertinggi 25°C.
Perubahan suhu terbesar terjadi di kota ........


2. Ibu membeli 40 kg gula pasir. Gula itu akan dijual eceran dengan dibungkus plastik masing-masing beratnya kg. Banyak kantong plastik berisi gula yang dihasilkan adalah........

A.10 kantong
B.80 kantong
C.120 kantong
D.160 kantong



4. Untuk membuat 60 pasang pakaian, seorang penjahit memerlukan waktu selama 18 hari. Jika penjahit tersebut bekerja selama 24 hari, berapa pasang pakaian yang dapat dibuat........

A.40 pasang.
B.75 pasang.
C.80 pasang.
D.90 pasang.

5. Sebungkus coklat akan dibagikan kepada 24 anak, setiap anak mendapat 8 coklat.
Jika coklat itu dibagikan kepada 16 anak, maka banyak coklat yang diperoleh setiap
anak adalah ........

A.8 coklat
B.12 coklat
C.16 coklat
D.48 coklat

6. Andi membeli 10 pasang sepatu seharga Rp 400.000,00, kemudian dijual secara eceran. Sebanyak 7 pasang sepatu dijual dengan harga Rp 50.000,00 per pasang, 2 pasang dijual Rp 40.000,00 per pasang, dan sisanya disumbangkan. Persentase keuntungan yang diperoleh Andi adalah ........


7. Pada tumpukan batu bata, banyak batu bata paling atas ada 8 buah, tepat di bawahnya ada 10 buah, dan seterusnya setiap tumpukan di bawahnya selalu lebih banyak 2 buah dari tumpukan di atasnya. Jika ada 15 tumpukan batu bata (dari atas sampai bawah), berapa banyak batu bata pada tumpukan paling bawah ........

A.35 buah.
B.36 buah.
C.38 buah.
D.40 buah.

8. Penyelesaian dari pertidaksamaan (2x - 6)(x - 4) adalah ........


9. Hasil dari (2x - 2) (x + 5) adalah ........

A.2x² - 12x - 10
B.2x² + 12x - 10
C.2x² + 8x -10
D.2x² - 8x - 10



11. Dari 40 siswa di kelas 3A, 19 orang menyukai matematika, 24 orang menyukai bahasa Inggris, serta 15 orang menyukai matematika dan bahasa Inggris. Berapa banyak siswa yang tidak menyukai matematika maupun bahasa Inggris ........

A.8 orang.
B.9 orang.
C.12 orang.
D.18 orang.

12. Perhatikan diagram berikut ini !

Relasi dari himpunan A ke himpunan B adalah ........

A.faktor dari
B.lebih dari
C.kurang dari
D.setengah dari

13. Perhatikan grafik dibawah ini !

Dengan modal Rp 25.000,00, berapakah untung yang diperoleh ........

A.Rp 1.250,00.
B.Rp 1.350,00.
C.Rp 1.500,00.
D.Rp 1.750,00.

14. Diketahui sistem persamaan 3x + 3y = 3 dan 2x - 4y = 14. Nilai dari 4x - 3y = ........


15. Harga dua baju dan satu kaos Rp 170.000,00, sedangkan harga satu baju dan tiga kaos Rp 185.000,00. Harga tiga baju dan dua kaos adalah ........

A.Rp 275.000,00
B.Rp 285.000,00
C.Rp 305.000,00
D.Rp 320.000,00

16. Persamaan garis yang sejajar dengan garis 2x + 3y + 6 = 0 dan melalui titik (-2, 5)
adalah ........

A.3x + 2y - 4 = 0
B.3x - 2y + 16 = 0
C.3y + 2x -11 = 0
D.3y - 2x - 19 = 0

17. Perhatikan gambar berikut !

Besar sudut BAC adalah ........


Keliling bangun di atas adalah ........

A.27 cm
B.19 cm
C.17 cm
D.14 cm

19. Diketahui dua buah lingkaran dengan pusat A dan B, dengan panjang jari-jari masing-masing 7 cm dan 2 cm. Jika jarak AB = 13 cm, maka panjang garis singgung persekutuan luar kedua lingkaran tersebut adalah ........

A.5 cm
B.6 cm
C.12 cm
D.15 cm

20. Perhatikan gambar !

Pernyataan-pernyataan berikut yang merupakan teorema Phytagoras adalah ........

A.(ML)² = (MK)² - (KL)²
B.(KL)² = (MK)² - (ML)²
C.(KL)² = (ML)² + (MK)²
D.(ML)² = (MK)² + (KL)²

21. Perhatikan gambar berikut !

Panjang TQ adalah ........

A.4 cm
B.5 cm
C.6 cm
D.8 cm

22. Segitiga ABC siku-siku di B kongruen dengan segitiga PQR siku-siku di P. Jika panjang BC = 8 cm dan QR = 10 cm, maka luas segitiga PQR adalah ........

A.24 cm²
B.40 cm²
C.48 cm²
D.80 cm²

23. Perhatikan gambar kubus ABCD.EFGH !

Banyak diagonal ruangnya adalah ........


24. Kawat sepanjang 10 m akan dibuat model kerangka balok yang berukuran 5 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm. Banyak model kerangka balok yang dapat dibuat adalah ........


25. Alas limas berbentuk persegi dengan panjang sisi 10 cm. Jika tinggi limas 12 cm, maka luas permukaan limas adalah ........

A.340 cm²
B.360 cm²
C.620 cm²
D.680 cm²

26. Sebuah.prisma dengan alas berbentuk belah ketupat. Keliling alas 40 cm dan panjang salah satu diagonalnya 12 cm. Jika tinggi prisma 15 cm, maka volum prisma adalah ........

A.720 cm³
B.1.440 cm³
C.1.800 cm³
D.3.600 cm³

27. Perhatikan gambar !

Sebuah tempat air berbentuk setengah bola yang panjang jari-jarinya 10 cm penuh berisi air. Seluruh air dalam bola dituang ke dalam wadah berbentuk tabung yang panjang jari-jarinya sama dengan jari-jari bola. Tinggi air pada wadah adalah ........

A.6,67 cm
B.20 cm
C.26,7 cm
D.40 cm

28. Perhatikan gambar !

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

The Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet carries on a twenty year Porsche tradition of offering a soft-top version of its flagship sportscar. Firstly, the 911 Turbo Cabriolet offers the driving performance of a high-powered sports car whilst still providing open-roofed driving pleasure. Secondly, compared to its competition, the open 2+2 seater offers economical fuel consumption, thanks to its lightweight design, outstanding aerodynamics and advanced engine technology.Like the 911 Turbo Coupe, the Cabriolet is powered by a 3.6-liter six-cylinder 'boxer' engine with twin turbochargers and Variable Turbine Geometry (VTG).Together with the chassis tuned to convertible-specific needs, which includes Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) as standard equipment, the 911 Turbo Cabriolet offers the sporting driving performance typical for a Porsche 911, as well as extremely high driving safety combined with appealing driving characteristics.If you want to experience the awesome Porsche Turbo Cabriolet, Capital Prestige can make it possible for you. Our Porsche car hire service is ideal for weddings, birthday gifts or even test drives before making that final purchase decision.We can provide the Porsche Turbo Cabriolet for daily hire, weekend hire or even weekly hire. Our Bentley GTC hire service is available with delivery available for North and South of the UK (prices available on request). Contact us to discuss your specific Porsche Turbo hire requirements or if you wish to discuss any other aspect of our sports car hire or wedding car hire service then please do not hesitate to call us on 01753 865206.

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

Player specialization

There are 5 positions filled on every volleyball team at the elite level. Setter, Outside Hitter/Left Side Hitter, Middle Hitter, Opposite Hitter/Right Side Hitter and Libero/Defensive Specialist. Each of these positions plays a specific, key role in winning a volleyball match.

  • Setters have the task for orchestrating the offense of the team. They aim for second touch and their main responsibility is to place the ball in the air where the attackers can place the ball into the opponents' court for a point. They have to be able to operate with the hitters, manage the tempo of their side of the court and choose the right attackers to set. Setters need to have swift and skillful appraisal and tactical accuracy, and must be quick at moving around the court.
  • Liberos are defensive players who are responsible for receiving the attack or serve. They are usually the players on the court with the quickest reaction time and best passing skills. Libero means 'free' as they have the ability to substitute for any other player on the court during each play. They do not necessarily need to be tall, as they never play at the net, which allows shorter players with strong passing and defensive skills to excel in the position and play an important role in the team's success. A player designated as a libero for a match may not play other roles during that match. Liberos wear a different color jersey than their teammates.
  • Middle blockers or Middle hitters are players that can perform very fast attacks that usually take place near the setter. They are specialized in blocking, since they must attempt to stop equally fast plays from their opponents and then quickly set up a double block at the sides of the court. In non-beginners play, every team will have two middle hitters.
  • Outside hitters or Left side hitters attack from near the left antenna. The outside hitter is usually the most consistent hitter on the team and gets the most sets. In accurate first passes usually result in a set to the outside hitter rather than middle or opposite. Since most sets to the outside are high, the outside hitter may take a longer approach, always starting from outside the court sideline. In non-beginners play, there are again two outside hitters on every team in every match.
  • Opposite hitters or Right side hitters carry the defensive workload for a volleyball team in the front row. Their primary responsibilities are to put up a well formed block against the opponents Outside Hitters and serve as a backup setter. Sets to the opposite usually go to the right side of the antennae.


The three standard volleyball formations are known as "4-2", "6-2" and "5-1", which refers to the number of hitters and setters respectively. 4-2 is a basic formation used only in beginners' play, while 5-1 is by far the most common formation in high-level play.


The 4-2 formation has four hitters and two setters. The setters usually set from the middle front or right front position. The team will therefore have two front-row attackers at all times. In the international 4-2, the setters set from the right front position. The international 4-2 translates more easily into other forms of offense.

The setters line up opposite each other in the rotation. The typical lineup has two outside hitters. By aligning like positions opposite themselves in the rotation, there will always be one of each position in the front and back rows. After service, the players in the front row move into their assigned positions, so that the setter is always in middle front. Alternatively, the setter moves into the right front and has both a middle and an outside attacker; the disadvantage here lies in the lack of an offside hitter, allowing one of the other team's blockers to "cheat in" on a middle block.

The clear disadvantage to this offensive formation is that there are only two attackers, leaving a team with fewer offensive weapons.

Another aspect is to see the setter as an attacking force, albeit a weakened force, because when the setter is in the front court they are able to 'tip' or 'dump', so when the ball is close to the net on the second touch, the setter may opt to hit the ball over with one hand. This means that the blocker who would otherwise not have to block the setter is engaged and may allow one of the hitters to have an easier attack.


In the 6-2 formation, a player always comes forward from the back row to set. The three front row players are all in attacking positions. Thus, all six players act as hitters at one time or another, while two can act as setters. So the 6-2 formation is actually a 4-2 system, but the back-row setter penetrates to set.

The 6-2 lineup thus requires two setters, who line up opposite to each other in the rotation. In addition to the setters, a typical lineup will have two middle hitters and two outside hitters. By aligning like positions opposite themselves in the rotation, there will always be one of each position in the front and back rows. After service, the players in the front row move into their assigned positions.

The advantage of the 6-2 is that there are always three front-row hitters available, maximizing the offensive possibilities. However, not only does the 6-2 require a team to possess two people capable of performing the highly specialized role of setter, it also requires both of those players to be effective offensive hitters when not in the setter position. At the international level, only the Cuban National Women's Team employs this kind of formation. It is also used in Women's NCAA play, partially due to the variant rules used which allow 12[15] substitutions per set (as opposed to the 6 allowed in the standard rules).


The 5-1 formation has only one player who assumes setting responsibilities regardless of his or her position in the rotation. The team will therefore have three front-row attackers when the setter is in the back row, and only two when the setter is in the front row, for a total of five possible attackers.

The player opposite the setter in a 5-1 rotation is called the opposite hitter. In general, opposite hitters do not pass; they stand behind their teammates when the opponent is serving. The opposite hitter may be used as a third attack option (back-row attack) when the setter is in the front row: this is the normal option used to increase the attack capabilities of modern volleyball teams. Normally the opposite hitter is the most technical skilled hitter of the team. Back-row attacks generally come from the back-right position (position 1), but are increasingly performed from back-center in high-level play.

The big advantage of this system is that the setter always has 3 hitters to vary sets with. If the setter does this well, the opponent's middle blocker may not have enough time to block with the outside hitter, increasing the chance for the attacking team to make a point.

There is another advantage: when the setter is a front-row player, he or she is allowed to jump and "dump" the ball onto the opponent's side. This too can confuse the opponent's blocking players: the setter can jump and dump or can set to one of the hitters. A good setter knows this and thus won't only jump to dump or to set for a quick hit, but as well to confuse the opponent.

The 5-1 offense is actually a mix of 6-2 and 4-2: when the setter is in the front row, the offense looks like a 4-2; when the setter is in the back row, the offense looks like a 6-2.

Sejauh ini hanya ada satu jenis sportsbike 4 tak 150 cc, dan itu diwakili oleh Honda CBR 150 - Thailand. Bagi kebanyakan bikers tentunya mereka bertanya tanya, apakah ada official racing-kit khusus untuk CBR 150? Tentunya jawabanya ada :-D nah !

Berbagai opsi racing kit ditawarkan mulai dari : Bore up kit, Karburator, Exhaust kit serta aksesoros exterior. Semuanya ditawarkan di pasar after market.

Bore up Kit : Tersedia ukuran bore up menjadi 160cc atau 170cc. Kit nya terdiri dari 1 cylinder head, 1 cylinder, 1 cylinder head gasket, 1 cylinder gasket, 1 piston set, twin racing camshaft, dan crankshaft. Bila kelak pemilik motor hendak menjual motor tersebut pada kondisi standar, atau ingin mengembalikan motor ke spek standar juga bisa dilakukan dengan mudah.

Karburator : Karburator kKihin 28 flatside, Mikuni 28 flatside dan juga tersedia berbagai tipe main jet / pilot jet tinggal di plih sesuai keinginan pemilik bikers. untuk CDI jugs terdapat banyak opsi seperti CDI shindengen, CDI tipe E7 maupun CDI Blackhawk. Tinggal di pilih, kemudian di pasang.

Exhaust : Ada product DBS (Dang Bang Sai) Exhaust, atau ada juga product NMF exhaust. Kebetulan kedua produk tersebut telah diekspor keberbagai negara di kawasan asia.

Exterior : Untuk urusan ini, juga ditawarkan berbagai aksesoris, mulai dari fairing, spakbor hingga seat cowl. Aksesoris tersebut besifat snap on, alias tidak perlu dilakukan modifikasi ulang karena memang khusus dirancang untuk dipasang di CBR 150

ini gw gy ge pda kmplan neh...... gw d thailand klub kami sedang tour k sni buat kejuaraan d sana do'ain gw yaw............ karena ini cita-cita gw sejak kecil oxs my friend do'ain gw yaw................ jangan lupa

The Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 is a mid-engine supercar produced by Volkswagen Group subsidiary Bugatti Automobiles SAS and introduced in 2005 as the fastest production car in the world. It is currently one of the fastest accelerating and decelerating production cars in the world, with a 0 -100- 0 time of 8.6 seconds and, at 1.1 million Euro (1.5 million USD) , it is also one of the most expensive cars in the world.

Powered by a 736-kilowatt (1,001 PS; 987 hp) W16 engine,[2] it can reach 408.47 km/h (253.81 mph).[3]. The car reached full production in September 2005, and is handcrafted in a factory Volkswagen built near the former Bugatti headquarters in Château St Jean in Molsheim (Alsace, France). It is named after French racing driver Pierre Veyron, who won the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1939 while racing for the original Bugatti company. Two examples of the Veyron are known to have been wrecked since production began.[4]